Customer interviews & insights

From kick-off to useable insights in 5-8 weeks

Want growth?

Do👏 what 👏 works 👏

Get the insights you need to drive sustainable business growth.

At NosyHQ, our approach is grounded in the thoughts, habits, desires and behaviours of the actual humans who have already pulled out their credit cards or rustled up that purchase order to buy from you.

It’s based on less of this…


what’s worked in the past


what seems to be working for others

what Brian on your Exec Leadership team (whose son got an A- in his digital marketing course last year) thinks you should do

And results in more of this…



happy customers

slightly smug smiles from the Marketing team on Board reporting day

repeat purchases

People don’t buy unless they have a reason to.

There’s a fine line between helpful data and data obesity.

All the data at your fingertips are about as useful as an inflatable dartboard when it comes to telling you and your stakeholders the story of how your customers think, feel, and want.

And let’s face it.

If you don’t know, for a fact, exactly what causes someone to buy what you sell (and how they search for it in the first place), then how are you supposed to actually market to them?

Kathryn's work has empowered us to be bolder and braver with our brand.

Before working with Kathryn, we were operating on assumptions about our customers. Her thorough research not only confirmed some of our beliefs but also uncovered new insights that are now the foundation of our rebranding strategy. Kathryn's work has empowered us to be bolder and braver with our brand, knowing that it reflects the research that showed us who our customers are, how they speak, and their personalities.

Christie Campbell

Marketing Manager,
Midlands Funds Management

How a customer interview & insights project works


Kick Off

We get together for a Kick Off Workshop, to figure out your objectives, what you most need to know for this work to be considered a success, what you and any other stakeholders already know about your clients.



You give me a list of your best customers to talk to and I start interviewing. These aren’t just a once over lightly: each interview runs 20-45 minutes (and don’t worry about the length of time it takes - interviewees often overrun their time because they enjoy having somebody listen to their stories so much. Truly.)

Note: these timings are all subject to change based on how quickly and easily we can recruit people to interview.



I’ll dig deep into all the interview recordings and transcripts to unearth the consistent themes and the hidden treasures your customers have shared.


Reporting & Deliverables

I’ll present the research findings back to you, your team and stakeholders in a 90 minute session.

A week later, you’ll receive your Customer Discovery Field Guide, which includes:

  • Your Real Customer Profile - like a Customer Persona, only factual.
    (One page)

  • Your Customer Journey Map outlining the actual path to purchase your customers have shared
    (One page)

  • A list of notable Verbatim Quotes from the interviews to use in your content marketing and messaging
    (As long as it needs to be)

  • Key Recommendations for you to action
    (One page)

(These reports are kept short and sweet. I’ve learned the hard way that nobody ever reads my 30 page reports. )

What you can expect to learn, for a fact

How they go from not knowing about you to buying, what steps they go through along the way, and what triggers them to move from one stage to the next.

With this insight in hand you can be in all the right places saying all the right things - and chances are your competitors won’t be.

Where they hang out, online and in real life, who and what influences them, and what their go-to sources for information are.

That right there is how you choose your most effective channels to get your message across.

You can make sure your marketing messages speak to the truth of what’s going on in their hearts and heads, using language that truly resonates.

How your customers describe, in their own words, their challenges, wants, needs, frustrations, pain points and objections.

How it makes marketing easier


What price is all this knowledge?

If it didn’t make me sound so arrogant and rude, I’d answer “the real question is what’s the cost of NOT doing this work? How much time and money is too much to waste on unreliable marketing that’s not informed by customer insights. How much business might pass you by?”

But I try not to be arrogant and rude.

Projects typically range from NZ$7,500 - $20,000 (US$5000 - $15000) depending on the scope, deliverables and number of interviews.

Only have a small number of customers to interview?

You can still book a time to talk things through and get a very reasonable custom quote on the button above.

Want to train your marketing team to confidently interview customers themselves?
We’ve got you covered with our Customer Interview Quickstart Training.