About NosyHQ

I’m Kathryn McGarvey, and I’m just a woman who has turned an overdeveloped sense of curiosity and the apparently fearless courage it takes to make calls to strangers, into a sustainable and growing business.

I mean, would you look at me? Posing with my phone in the cheesiest of manners, pretending to be delighted to be about to make a call.

I don’t check a mirror before I make a call, but I wouldn’t be surprised if this is actually what I look like when I am about to talk to my client’s customers. Because there’s pretty much nothing I love more (outside of my family and being right) than interviewing people and helping my clients use what I learn to grow their business.

May I present my credentials like we’re living in Victorian England?

I’m honoured to share with you that I have more than 25 years marketing experience, ranging from marketing for small local businesses in the regions, through to the type of big city soulless corporates you’d never confess to working for at a party without expecting a litany of (justified) complaints. (Sorry Sky, sorry Telecom).

Back in ye olden days of marketing, just after clean windows went out of style but before saucy bonnets were all the rage.

I have spent countless hours in the last four years honing my customer interviewing skills and digging deep to find out those customers motivations, behaviours and habits.

For a little bit of likeability and relatability, I would also like to let slip that I’ve made MANY😬 MANY 😬 marketing mistakes - big and small - which means I’ve had no choice but to learn the difference between marketing that works, and marketing that gets your boss hauling you in to their office for a verbal spanking more times than feels entirely comfortable.

In the last few years (like many things in my life, better late than never), I have come to realise that truly understanding your customers is the very cornerstone of successful marketing.

Looking for more credibility markers?

Great - I love people who take care with due diligence! Does this help?

My writing has been published in or by

You can listen to me on these great podcasts

And a client recently shared this about our work

“So appreciate your hard work, big heart and amazing system.”

- Trevor Soh, Lumo Lab

But enough about me, what about you?

If you are anything like the marketers and business owners I deal with regularly, then you’re curious about what you could learn from your customers, and suspect what they tell you might help you make changes in your marketing, messaging and positioning that will reap outsized rewards.

Let’s work together to spill the beans, get the insights, win the loyal customers.

Not quite ready for a call but still curious?
Come and say hi on LinkedIn.